Wednesday, December 19, 2012

XC Clinic - 18/19 Dec 12

Having had the wee guy on a grass free diet, I somewhat tentatively put his name down for an eventing clinic (intro level only of course)

First day was SJ exercises - turns onto jumps, angled jumps, skinnies, even a bounce.

To be honest, he was very good, and tried really hard.
He did get quite resistant in the mouth to start, but improved.

There were also some problems in standing still....he just didnt want to do that....we had a few moments where I thought he would go up, and some leaps, but he did improve.  I just kept him moving after that.  But he was absolutely fine with the others cantering away, towards, jumping or going past him, so that was great.

Second day, being a bit mentally and physically tired, he was an absolute angel.
I was able to stand on the buckle, wander around on the buckle and he was just such a good pony.

We did, skinnies, turns, ditch, baby trakener, banks, some logs, a couple of mobiles, and the water.

He had a wee look at the ditch, but nothing major, pretty much straight over everything else apart from the banks down. He was genuinely concerned about them, but he did go in the end....was also a bit worried about patches of dirt and changes of colour in grass etc.

Water....a few strides away from the bank I have had a HUGE argument with him before, and he started to say no, reverse, about to go up, etc....and I CLOUTED him....."ooops, better go hadnt I".....and in he popped, and after that happy to go off the other banks as well, and over the wee log off the bank.

Excellent couple of days for him;  he learnt so much.

And VERY good to know that being off grass was the answer!

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